Vertical Medical Kits 
Built for the Emergency Responder
More advanced than a first aid kit, VeriCor MedKits Hold n’ Show™ medical supplies that are care-specific and organized for emergency responders treating patients. When hung on a door or stand,* the vertical organizer provides easy visibility and quick access to supplies, replacing incident chaos with precise organization and efficiency. When not in use, the organizer is rolled up (with supplies in it) and ready for carrying. Choose from a wide range of pre-built MedKits, or contact us today for a custom kit. (*stand is included)Learn More
The temp of ice water is…0° C
WHY this is important!
A “properly conditioned” frozen water bottle is a mixture of water and ice that is at 0°C (basic thermodynamics). The problem: putting 0°C bottles into a cooler can drop the temperature too low for fresh vaccine, blood, or medicine (now that data logging reports are used as proof). The blog “Get Rid of Ice!!!” spells out why something 0°C should never be placed in a cooler and used as refrigeration. The solution: an ice-free and electricity-free Cool Cube™ at Fridge Temps. The unique panels of the Cool Cube™ have a 4.5°C mixture on all six walls of the cooler (even the top). That means vaccine, blood, or medicine is surrounded with the “sweet spot” of refrigeration…4.5°C. Cool Cubes™ are safe AND they hold needed temps for days!Learn More
Mobile Vaccination Clinic
Make it Easier Next Time
If gathering up supplies this fall for flu clinics seemed too hectic, these systems are definitely for you. VeriCor Mobile Vaccination Systems are pre-packaged kits that all you need to add is staff and vaccine. These easy-to-store, simple-to-move kits can be used for seasonal off-site clinics or stored for large-scale pandemics. Already have the supplies but like the setup? Buy a workstation to fit your needs (various sizes and configurations available).Learn More
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