In this Bi-Weekly Issue

In this biweekly issue:
📃 The History – Kits
🆒 Count on It
💉 Off-Site Vaccination
📦 Supply Mess?
As always, lots of information can be found on our website. Have a productive week!

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A) Vaccination Systems
The History
In 2006, VeriCor developed POD (point of dispensing) kits. These kits organized and mobilized the supplemental supplies required to rapidly dispense medical countermeasures (vaccines, antiviral drugs, antibiotics, antitoxins, and chemical antidotes used to prevent, mitigate, or treat adverse health effects of an intentional, accidental, or naturally occurring public health emergency). What soon followed was a “Vaccinator” kit—a mobile, compact system specifically for seasonal flu clinics. As they say, the rest is history…
News & Promotions

A) A Cooler They Can Count On!
(providers AND patients)
The Cool Cube™ is reliable, the Cool Cube™ is simple, and the Cool Cube™ is mobile. That is why it is the first choice of health departments and hospitals across the United States.
If you have one, please share this email with a colleague that doesn’t. Then find your way to our website to get backups for fall campaigns!
If you haven’t already, watch this 113-second explainer video to see the simplicity and effectiveness of Cool Cube™ PCM Coolers.

B) Off-Site Vaccination Kits
Make it Easy!
Save time and streamline upcoming vaccinations with prepackaged kits from VeriCor. The easy-to-store, simple-to-move, “just add staff & vaccine” kits come in three sizes (500, 2500, and 5000-person). The smaller kits are ideal for general clinics, while the larger “systems” are ready to vaccinate the masses.
Already have the supplies but do you like the setup? Buy a Go-Bag or workstation to make your vaccination campaign system. Click the picture/button to learn more, or call 608-526-6901 to speak with an experienced VeriCor staff member today.

C) A mess of supplies…
…can be made new again!ared!
Sometimes emergency preparedness supplies are forgotten or not given attention until it is too late. Expired, unorganized, damaged, and recalled assets will hinder a response, and that’s where we can help. The Medical Cache Conversion process converts a mess of supplies into a ready-to-respond system that is organized & manageable. Ensure that when a mass causality incident (MCI) happens, supplies are ready. Click the picture/button to learn more, or call 608-526-6901 to speak with an experienced VeriCor staff member today.