The PCM inside is at its phase change temperature. (Used to prevent cooling or warming.)
Archives: FAQs
What does it mean when a panel is liquid?
The PCM inside is above its phase change temperature.
Does the whole Cool Cube™ need to be conditioned?
No, but the PCM panels need to be prepped.
Can panels be stacked during storage?
Yes, but they will just take longer to condition (the middle panel will be the last to condition). For the quickest conditioning process, get as much air circulating around the panel as possible. If the panels must be stacked we recommend inserting a spacer (pencil, tongue depressor, etc.) between each panel.
Can a regular freezer be used to prep and store lab freezer temperature panels?
Yes, but to get the panels truly hard, the freezer must maintain a temperature lower than -30°C. Otherwise, the panel will be at the temperature of the freezer (in a liquid state) and just won’t last as long.