Response-Ready EVD PPEInfectious Disease DetermentInfectious disease incidents pose unique challenges that diminish a healthcare’s response to an emergency. So having ready prepositioned PPE kits to control the spread of disease and enable the continuity of health care services should save lives. VeriCor’s smaller, prepackaged modules (12 and 25 single-use kits) are organized within a mobile Read More
Tag: EVD
A Command and Control Case | Cool Cube™ FAQ | Health Care Preparedness
A Command and Control CaseAnywhere & AnytimeIn preparation for the next logistical, operational or command situation, organize needed supplies within an extremely adaptable Hospital Incident Command Station. In storage it takes up the space of a desk. In deployment it facilitates command and control while on-the-go. A built-in laptop stand, overhead light, inlay map/document grease Read More
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