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FT Line of Cool Cubes™ | Transporting Frozen Vaccine | Replenishing Product

FT Line of Cool Cubes In this Bi-Weekly Issue In this biweekly issue: 🦠 Normal Freezer = "FT" Line 🆒 Ideal for Frozen Transport 📦 Replenishing Product 🦺 Turn a Mess into a System As always, lots of information can be found on our website. Have a productive week! Learn | Practice | Improve A) Normal Freezer = "FT" Line Read More
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TMD and DDL Requirements | Alternate Care Medical Site | Mobile Emergency Room Systems

Cool Cube Pockets News & Promotions A) TMD and DDL Requirements Be in compliance with the CDC. From the 2019 Toolkit (p. 9): Every vaccine storage and transport (emergency or non-emergency) unit must have a TMD.* Use DDLs with a current and valid Certificate of Calibration Testing. Keep the recorded data for three years or longer. Have at Read More
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Cool Cube™ and a DDL – Casing for Preparedness Supplies – Mobile HICS Station

Cool Cube and a DDL 111 years ago today, Ford debuted the Model T -- the first car for millions of Americans. The automobile has come a long way since then. Ever wonder where cold chain management coolers will be in 100 years? Let's get there sooner than later! And as always, lots of information can be found on our Read More
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A Qualified Container AND Packout | A System for Triage AND Treatment | System Training Packages

What is a Qualified Container and Packout Section "A" is about THE qualified container and packout system for your temperature sensitive product. Section "B" highlights the ever-popular triage and treatment system that EM professionals love. Lastly, Section "C" talks a bit about the training packages available for Response-Friendly® Systems. As always, have a productive week! To help you scan topics faster, here Read More
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DDL is the TMD that CDC Recommends | The Hot and Cool Barrier | Nursing Stations on Wheels

DDL is the TMD that CDC Recommends-featured Hello, medical professionals! There's been a lot of talk about the difference between Cool Cubes™ and other "cold chain coolers." If cold chain management is part of your job, you will want to read the first section below. The next two sections also stay in the vaccination arena and deal with DDLs (digital data loggers) Read More