Vaccinator 5000 System w/ Refrigerator

For Vaccinating Up To 5,000 People

A set of supplies for the vaccination of 5000 people. This prepackage module is ideal for pandemic preparedness or a large flu clinic. Supplies are complete and organized so all that is needed are staff and vaccine. SmartBook™ included.

This product is custom-made to order. Please contact us for complementary labeling, an estimated lead time, and a potential freight discount for larger orders.

Add Accessories

Memory-Loc™ Dual Zone Temp Monitoring & Data Logger Kit

A data logging thermometer that locks over 1 million temperature observations (good for 21 CFR 11 environments) of two zones. This calibrated logger has user-defined time intervals, downloads data to any USB stick, and meets current CDC requirements.

The Vaccinator 5000 System w/ Refrigerator (VS-5000R) is a set of supplies for the vaccination of 5000 people. This prepackage module is ideal for pandemic preparedness or a large flu clinic. Supplies are complete and organized so all that is needed are staff and vaccine. It includes a 42” Workstation w/ 3 Drawers, Table & Refrigerator (MW-42R), three resupply cases (MC-1), biohazard containers, sharps containers, a SmartBook™ (the critical data including descriptions, locations, lot numbers, expiration dates, storage parameters, etc.), and more (alcohol pads, bandages, syringes, gauze, gloves, sanitizer, spill kits, paper, pens, etc.). This system is ready to move into any place of opportunity in emergency situations. A line item list of products is available upon request.

Technology & Features

VS 5000 tech1 magnifying
VS5000r tech2

Includes a 42” Workstation w/ 3 Drawers, Table & Refrigerator (MW-42R) and 3 Wheeled Medical Cases (MC-1)

Supplies are intuitively packaged ready for the next campaign.

SmartBook™ system guide aides in deployment and training.

Dimensions & Specs

2 Pallets: 48” x 40” x 48”
Weight: 690 lbs.

Vaccinator 5000 Go-System with Refrigerator VS-5000R dims


General FAQ

Yes, all major credit cards are accepted.
Order thru this website, GSA, Amazon or email (order@vericormed.comâ€Ĥplease reference a quote). For orders over $10,000 please contact us (608-526-6901) to work with a salesperson.
Name on card, card #, expiration date, security code, billing address.
Direct from the website, and or on the GSA website. For larger orders or for a formal quote, please call (866) 469-6019.
This product is made to order. This is a custom made product. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks for delivery. For more details, please call us (866) 469-6019.


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