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PHEP 2022 Cooperative Agreement | Cool Cube™ Support | A Mobile Triage System

PHEP 2022 Cooperative Agreement

In this Bi-Weekly Issue

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In this biweekly issue:

🤝 PHEP Cooperative Agreement
🆒 Cool Cube™ Support
🦺 A Mobile Triage System?
📦 Got a mess?

As always, lots of information can be found on our website. Have a productive week!

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PHEP 2022 Cooperative Agreement

A) PHEP 2022 Cooperative Agreement

Budget Period 4 (BP4)

The Public Health Emergency Preparedness (PHEP) cooperative agreement is a critical funding source for the state, local, and territorial public health departments. Preparedness activities funded by the PHEP cooperative agreement specifically target the development of emergency-ready public health departments that are flexible and adaptable. Find more information regarding this and current BP4 funding at:

News & Promotions

Cool Cube™ Overview Videos YouTube

A) Cool Cube™ Support

23 videos, PDFs galore, and just a phone call away!

When a new product arrives, the hope is that it’s easy and intuitive (like Cool Cube™ PCM Coolers). However, sometimes just a bit of support—whether for training, questions, or troubleshooting—is desired. That’s why the VeriCor website is extensive. From overviews to how-to videos to spec sheets to user guides, find support when you need it. If not, we are just a phone call away: 608-526-6901.

If you haven’t already, watch this 113-second explainer video to see the simplicity and effectiveness of Cool Cube™ PCM Coolers.

MCI Triage & Treatment System

B) A Mobile Triage System?

Yes—plus treatment capabilities!

Mass casualty incidences (MCIs) can overwhelm and disrupt a healthcare network if a plan isn’t in place to expand patient treatment outside traditional walls. VeriCor’s all-in-one Hospital Triage and Treatment System is an intuitive, color-coordinated, mobile system of supplies that provides secondary triage and definitive treatment for a surge of 100 patients. Managers like it because it’s easy to maintain, and responders like it because it can deploy anywhere. See the system in action (YouTube video here) and then click the picture/button to learn more, or call 608-526-6901 to speak with an experienced VeriCor staff member today.

Have a Mess of Supplies

C) Got a mess?

Turn it into a Response-Friendly® System!

Sometimes emergency preparedness supplies are forgotten or not given attention until it is too late. Expired, unorganized, damaged, and recalled assets will hinder a response, and that’s where we can help. Our Medical Cache Conversion process converts a mess of supplies into an organized and manageable ready-to-respond system. Then when a mass causality incident (MCI) happens, you can respond with a Response-Friendly® system. Click the picture/button to learn more, or call 608-526-6901 to speak with an experienced VeriCor staff member today.

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