This curated guide is a resource to help care givers find information on CDC recommendations as well as flu vaccine education for providers and patients.

> > Flu Prevention
Vaccinate and keep your hands and common surfaces clean.
> > Flu Symptoms
Some symptoms can/may indicate a need to go to the hospital.
> > CDC’s Flu Overview
Relating to the flu and influenza directly from the CDC.
> > Flu Vaccine Finder
A database for finding vaccines near you (zip code-based).

> > Flu Vaccine Side Effects
Flu shot side effects and information. Updated for 2019-2020.
>> Flu Shot Fact and Fiction
What are the concerns and misconceptions, regarding flu vaccine.
>> Complete Guide
2019-2020 – Complete Guide to the Influenza Vaccine.

>> Talking Points
11 fact based talking points about the flu.
>> Flu Shot Fact and Fiction
What are the concerns and misconceptions, regarding flu vaccine.
>> Difficulty of Convincing Patients
Anonymous Nurse:”Convincing patients to get vaccinated is becoming more difficult.”
>> Flu Shots and Persuasion
Tip for talking with non-compliant patients.
>> Seven Ways
Seven ways to talk to the vaccine hesitant (that might actually change minds).
>> How to Talk to Patients
Talking points for patients who are sceptical of the flu vaccine.
>> How to Respond in Public
How to respond to vocal vaccine deniers.
>> Herd Immunity
Explaining “Herd Immunity” may convince more people to get the flu shot.
>> Extreme Vaccine Hesitancy
Anti-Vaxxers: What they are generally afraid of and how to respond.