In this Bi-Weekly Issue

- 2020 Storage & Handling Toolkit
- Digital Data Loggers (✔CDC)
- Beds for Disaster Preparedness
- Point of Dispensing Workstations
As always, lots of information can be found on our website.Have a productive week

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A) What Changed?
We read it—so you don’t have to.
Earlier this month the CDC updated the “Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit” that outlines the best practices for vaccine storage and handling based on the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) guidelines, product information from vaccine manufacturers, and scientific studies. This article highlights the changes from 2019 to 2020 (click to read).
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A) Monitor and record accurate temperatures.
Meet CDC recommendations during storage & transport.
The cold chain is about controlling the environment of temperature sensitive product so that it is in optimal condition until needed. Exposure to any inappropriate condition results in big problems. That is why the CDC recommends the use of a specific type of temperature monitoring device known as a Digital Data Logger (DDL). A DDL continuously monitors the temperature (for prevention) and records data points (for detailed information if excursions happen). VeriCor carries a line of DDLs hundreds of customers have turn to as simple, affordable solutions.

B) Storable beds for surge preparedness.
Minimal storage—maximum flexibility.
When a disaster hits, beds are some of the first things people turn to for comfort, rest and treatment. VeriCor’s line of emergency preparedness beds have a folding design for easy and compact storage, while meeting FEMA and ADA compliance standards. But more importantly they are dependable and comfortable for when they will be needed most. All beds (& racks) are made in the USA.

C) Workstations for Point of Dispensing Locations
For in-field care or off-site clinics.
Vaccination campaigns (or any mobile medical initiative) can involve more supplies than what providers want to drag around. VeriCor workstations give mobility to the load (bulky/heavy supplies) and organization to the plan. From stainless steel partitioned drawers for organization, to glove holders in the lid for accessibility, these workstations are primed and ready for the next mobile campaign.