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Cold Chain Compliance | Response-Friendly® Mobile ER | Mitigate the Risk

Cold Chain Compliance

Cool Cube™ + DDL =Cold Chain ComplianceNeed a foolproof system for vaccine transport (or power-failure back-up) in 2018? Get a Cool Cube™ + DDL (digital data logger) combination for a safe, reliable, long-lasting solution created specifically for cold chain management. Cool Cubes™ maintain refrigerated, frozen, or room temperature product for days…without the aid of ice, Read More

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Safe & Easy Cool Cubes™ | A Mess of Supplies Will Do Nothing | Drill/Exercise a VeriCor System

Cool Cubes The Ultimate Cooler w Pack-Out

Really??? Wow!Safe & Easy Cool Cubes™FAQ: Can Cool Cubes™ be opened?Answer: Yes This past summer a VT-100 was logged as being opened 56 times over 82 hours. No ice, no electricity, and the product inside stayed between 3° and 8°C the entire time. Its cooling panels were “conditioned” in a regular refrigerator (2°C for 12 Read More

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Keep Vaccine and Blood 4C | Beds for a Medical Surge | Replacing Expired Supplies

Keep Vaccine and Blood 4C

Keep Vaccine/Blood @ 4°C Alternative to the DIY Mess Transporting vaccine/blood/medicine is a necessity that many times ends up being a DIY project. The shopping, testing, validating, training and other headaches associated with figuring out a cooler and pack-out system can be overwhelming, not to mention costly if things go wrong. That’s why we created Read More

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Compliant Data Loggers | The VIP Advantage | Triage & Treatment System

Compliant Data Loggers

Compliant Data Loggers Models: Basic to Wi-Fi As the guidelines for monitoring temperature sensitive product become more and more stringent, an emphasis is being placed on data loggers and the ability to create a detailed record of the storage environment when needed. VeriCor carries a variety of loggers that are CDC/FDA compliant. Need help choosing? Read More

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2017 NIMS Refreshed | Cold Chain Challenges | Mobile Workstations

HICS Case - Mobile Incident Command Center OG

2017 NIMS Refreshed A Case for All Incidents Last month FEMA released the updated version of the National Incident Management System (NIMS). While reviewing the changes (see it here if you haven’t already), consider the compact, mobile HICS case for all incidents regardless of cause, size, location or complexity. A built-in laptop stand, overhead light, Read More