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Workstations on Wheels | Cool Cube™ FAQ | Suppress a Flu Pandemic


Workstations on WheelsVaccinations to EP ResponseVaccination campaigns (or any mobile medical initiative) can involve more supplies than what providers want to drag around. VeriCor workstations give mobility to the load (bulky/heavy supplies) and organization to the plan. From stainless steel partitioned drawers for organization, to glove holders in the lid for accessibility, these workstations are Read More

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Cold Chain Management has Evolved | Replenish Old Supplies | Medical Cache Conversion


Cold Chain Management has EvolvedCool Cube™ FAQQuestion: I don’t need buffering material?!?Answer: No. Many times this question elicits a chuckle with the rhetorical question “do you need buffering material in your fridge?” The directive “use appropriate insulating materials, such as bubble wrap, to protect vaccines from direct contact with the water bottles” is because those Read More

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Fast Cool Cube™ Shipping | EP Training | Working Hard for You


Fast Cool Cube™ ShippingCool Cube™ FAQQuestion: Can I get it in time for fall flu clinics?Answer: Yes. Most Cool Cube™ orders ship out next day at this time of year. However, as it gets closer to the fall flu clinic season, there always seems to be those larger orders (100-500 units) that disrupt normal lead Read More

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Triage & Treat On-Scene | Cool Cube™ FAQ | Beds for a Medical Surge

On Scene Treatment and Triage

Triage & Treat On-SceneMCI Disaster PlanningPrevent and mitigate “scoop and run” scenarios that could overwhelm or disrupt the care capacity of your healthcare system. A VeriCor Triage & Treatment System is easily managed and equipped with the resources responders will use to triage AND treat victims of a mass casualty incident (MCI). Color-coded mobile cases Read More

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Cool Cube™ FAQ | Command & Control | EP Supply Trailers


Cool Cube™ FAQA Question from Your ColleaguesQuestion: How are these different than the ice/Igloo combination I use now?Answer: This short 2-minute video (click here) explains it well. But if you don’t have two minutes, here it is in brief…Ice and off-the-shelf coolers are for chilling beverages, not managing critical temperatures for life-saving products. Ice melts at Read More