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Veterans Affairs Disaster Preparedness

VeriCor works with many of the largest VAMCs and VISNs around the country. VeriCor’s Response-Friendly™ products will help you during that next patient surge. In the wake of a disaster or any large-scale incident, VeriCor Response-Friendly™ Patient Surge Systems (ACS & ER) provide the medical and non-medical equipment and supplies, to quickly and efficiently treat patients and Read More

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Go Beyond Emergency Supplies

Our customers’ preparedness products just flat out perform. It’s better for their needs, their response and their community. Our products makes if fast and easy for organizations and agencies to respond in the wake of a disaster by going beyond emergency supplies.  These next-generation preparedness products make do-it-yourself emergency supplies a thing of the past. Read More

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HPP Funding Resources

[one-half-first]Hospitals are a critical element within the medical response system and work collaboratively with other health care providers/agencies to plan, prepare for and respond to the needs of victims of disasters, bioterrorism, and other public health emergencies. Hospitals must respond to increasing preparedness standards and activities, while simultaneously providing effective service to their communities. Making sure Read More