Hello, medical professionals!
Section “A” re-visits CDC’s January 2019 revision of the Toolkit. Section “B” briefly addresses ASPR’s statement on burn care surge. Lastly, Section “C” showcases some staff PPE kits used during infectious disease scares (EVD). As always, have a productive week!
To help you scan topics faster, here are the sections that may interest you…

B & C

A, B & C

A, B & C

B & C

A) ASPR’s Burn Care Statement
Burn care is a priority!
In ASPR’s 2017-2022 Health Care Preparedness and Response Capabilities, on page 52 – Activity 6 it states, “All hospitals should be prepared to receive, stabilize, and manage burn patients.”
If NOT ready for this type of medical surge response, check out this burn care medical kit: MK-BC. This Response-Friendly® Burn Care MedKit is a simple, comprehensive kit of supplies intuitively organized into an exclusive, vertical UMO (a roll pack/jump bag that opens to hang on a stand, door or other supportive structure). Essential supplies for the debridement and dressing of burns come intuitively prepackaged in the organizer…that any medical professional will appreciate. An easy-to-assemble stand and SmartBook™ are included.
B) CDC’s 2019 Toolkit (revisited)
Read prior to fall vaccination campaigns.
Earlier this year the CDC published its redesigned Vaccine Storage and Handling Toolkit. Unlike other revisions, this publication was an all-out revamp: new formatting, graphics, and content. To save time, check out the blog “CDC Vaccine Storage & Handling Toolkit 2019 – What changed?” that covers the differences.
If you are in need the type of cooler they refer to or a DDL (digital data logger) they emphasize, be sure to visit our online store. Cool Cube™ PCM Coolers are used by many VFC programs across the nation and are independently tested to verify their outstanding performance!
New to this email? Watch this 113-second video explaining the simplicity and effectiveness of Cool Cube™ PCM Coolers.

C) Infectious Disease Preparedness
Ready-to-use PPE kits!
An infectious disease will pose unique challenges that diminish your healthcare’s response to an emergency. Have on-hand prepositioned personal protective equipment (PPE) kits to control the spread of disease and enable the continuity of health care services. Smaller, prepackaged modules (12 and 25 single-use kits) are organized, size-labeled kits within a mobile storage case for quick deployment. The 100-contact module organizes all PPE into four mobile cases, and includes an inventory management SmartBook™ for easy rotation and handling. Customization options are available.